Studying eccDNA by CRISPR-C technology

Extrachromosomal circular DNA, also known as eccDNA, is one special class of DNAs that exists in mammalian cells. Currently, very little is known about this type of DNAs, their functions, and most importantly their potential impact on human health. 

Within the AU-iCRISPR network, we have established a collaborative group what are focusing on addressing the role of eccDNA in the process tumorigenesis and aging.

Led by Associate Professor Yonglun Luo, and in collaboration with Professor Uffe Birk Jensen and Professor Eigil Kjeldsen, we have developed a CRISPR-based technology to recapitulate eccDNA generation in human cells. And based on our advantage in this area, we are currently addressing the potential role of eccDNA in cancer development, aging, and the potential of utilizing eccDNA as a diagnostic markers or potentially therapeutic marker. 

Link to CRISPR-C technology: